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Gewurztraminer Sélection de Grains Nobles Lucien Albrecht


The “Sélection de Grains Nobles” are made from a series of manual selections of grapes that have “noble rot” or Botrytis Cinerea. The chosen berries have an exceptionally concentrated taste; the wines are powerful and rich with remarkable aromatic complexity. The name Sélection de Grains Nobles is part of the Alsace Wine Appellation.

Sorting the best grapes from the smallest harvests, this rare and prestigious wine is the quintessence of the winegrower’s work.
Vintage 2007
A mild winter. A warm spring that accelerated the vegetative cycle of the vine. The summer months were difficult with frequent rainfalls and fresh episodes, which did not facilitate the maturity of the grapes. Some winegrowers harvested too early fearing a massive arrival of grey rot. Alas! The grapes lacked maturity. The unfolding of this season favoured a gradual maturity of the grapes. The month of September was particularly favourable for the Vendanges Tardives and the Selections de Grains Nobles.


Its colour is bright gold. The nose is net and powerful. First floral, then fruity, it develops typical aromas of roses and exotic fruits. On the palate the attack is ample, fat and well-balanced with notes of vanilla, cinnamon, honey and tropical fruits. The persistence is long and intensified in final by spicy flavours.

Temperature of service: 8-10° C
Aging capacity: This wine can be enjoyed today, but can also be cellared for another 5 to 10 years


This Gewurztraminer, rare and of great richness, accompanies with distinction the aperitif or the end of a feast. It is also revealed on foie gras and on refined desserts with honey and spices.

(Download the Gewurztraminer Sélection de Grains Nobles CheatSheet by clicking here)


Lucien Albrecht Wines

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6 Grand'Rue - F-68420 EGUISHEIM